Revenue of long-term project contract ( including labour service) shall be reasonably recognized, in general, according to the completed progress method or the completed contract method. 长期工程(包括劳务)合同,一般应当根据完成进度法或者完成合同法合理确认营业收入。
The economic slowdown has been particularly onerous for temporary staffing groups, because their big corporate clients cut contract labour before their own workforces. 对于临时岗位招聘企业而言,此次经济低迷的影响尤为严重,因为它们的大公司客户在本公司员工之前,先缩减了合同工的招聘。
The contract system pushed workers into the market competition thus cutting the deep-rooted traditional labour system to the quick 合同制把工人推向市场,从根本上斩断了根深蒂固的传统劳动制度
Labor contract law regulates and restricts labour dispatch agencies which is beneficial for the development of labour dispatch, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of dispatched labourer. 劳动派遣是派遣机构与派遣劳工订立派遣契约,在得到派遣劳工的同意后,使其在要派企业的指挥监督下提供劳务的劳动形态。
Essentially, these rules have attempted to deal with the changed labour relationship and to provide local standards for the labour contract, where the Labour Law remains silent. 实际上,这些规定旨在解决由劳动关系转变所产生的问题,并在《劳动法》未有明确规定的情况下,为劳动合同制定一套地方标准。
Under the new contract labour law, Mr Lu should have received the equivalent of 10 months 'wages in compensation. 根据新的劳动合同法,卢永元本应领回相当于10个月工资的补偿金。
Legal Norms of Labour Contract Law and Labour Dispatch Agencies 《劳动合同法》与劳务派遣机构的法律规范
The firm agreed to contract for labour and material. 该公司同意包工包料。
In the recent case of Eastern Airlines, it is not difficult to find because the psychological contract breach caused tension between Labour's shadow. 在近期发生的东方航空事件中,不难发现因为心理契约违背而导致劳资关系紧张的影子。
Also, glyphosate was no longer under patent; field machinery was easily accessible under contract; and to GM needed less field labour compared with non-GM soya. 此外,草甘磷的专利也过期了;根据合同也很容易获取田间作业机械;而且与非转基因大豆相比,转基因大豆需要的田间劳动更少。
So far, only six states out of 28 have sought to make modest changes to stringent provisions governing lay-offs and the use of contract labour. 迄今为止,在印度28个邦当中,只有6个邦寻求对解雇和使用合同工的严厉规定进行适度修改。
Third, we should promptly solve problems so that fishermen from the mainland can continue their contract labour services in Taiwan. 第三,要尽快地恢复和解决大陆的渔民到台湾去实行劳务输出的问题。
Once a contract between labour and capital is concluded, the workers must observe labour discipline and the capitalists must be allowed to make some profit. 劳资间在订立契约后,工人必须遵守劳动纪律,必须使资本家有利可图。
Taiwan is also proposing changes to immigration laws that would make it easier for white-collar workers to obtain visas and, possibly, liberalise regulations for foreign contract labour. 台湾也在提议改革移民法,让白领员工更容易取得签证,并可能为外国合同工放宽规定。
The labour contract system is the premise and foundation to enforce the labour law. 劳动合同制度是维系《劳动法》实施的前提和基础。
Encouragement for employers to sign a long-term labour contract ( especially a non-fixed term labour contract) with their employees. 鼓励雇主与雇员签定长期劳动合同,特别是无固定期限的劳动合同。
The hospital contract management system is rigidly conditioned by the price sytem and labour and personnel system. 第三,价格体系和劳动人事制度严重地制约着医院承包经营制;
The Trend and Prospect of International Contract Engineering and Labour Service Market 国际承包劳务市场态势与展望
Moreover, the paper analyses the necessity of labour contract management, and the problem about standardization of labour contract in geological exploration organization. 文章分析了地勘单位劳动管理现状,论述了实行劳动合同制管理的必然性和紧迫性,以及现今地勘单位在规范劳动合同管理方面存在的差距。
Collective negotiation system is a system that the labour and enterprise sign collective labour contract through negotiation in order to adjust the labour relation. 集体谈判制度是劳动者与企业之间通过谈判签定集体劳动合同借以调整劳动关系。
4, target of future contract is goods, labour, right or interest; 期货合同标的是商品、劳务、权利或利益;
In this course, the labour relationship between the employees and the enterprises will be inevitably readjusted in the forms of labour contract inheritance, alter of the labour contract, termination of the labour contract and so on. 职工作为国有企业改制的利益相关人,其与国有企业的劳动关系也必然通过劳动合同的继承、变更与解除等形式受到相应的影响。
The innovation of domiciliary register system, employment system, rural land contract system, social security system, and labour union management mechanism offer stringent system safeguard for farmer-worker's citizenship. 因此,促进农民工市民化应创新户籍制度、劳动就业制度、农村土地承包制度、社会保障制度和工会管理机制,为农民工市民化提供有力的制度保障。
Contracts in the contract law and the labour contracts. 合同的范围应界定为合同法所保护的一切合同和劳动合同;
Whether an action establishes breach of contract or tort, it should be referred to civil law, maritime law, contract law, labour law and other legal regulations. 违约或侵权行为是否构成应根据民法通则、海商法、合同法、劳动法等法律法规确定。
Labour contract rescission system of labour law is naturally guided by the legislative value. 作为劳动法下的劳动合同解除制度,自然应受此立法价值指引。
From the harmonious labor relations perspective, the flexible labor contract can balance "strong capital, weak labour", improve job stability and security for workers, and also can achieve a win-win goal between employers and employees. 从和谐劳资关系的视角看,无固定期限劳动合同对构建和谐劳资关系具有平衡强资本、弱劳动的格局、促进劳动者职业稳定和安全感、实现劳资双赢等重要意义。
Employment Contract Institution is the basis of Labour Law, while legislation of Employment Contract Law is also the basis of scientific Employment Contract Institution. 劳动合同制度是劳动法中的基础性制度。劳动合同立法也是建立科学劳动合同制度的基础。
While during the three years since the implementation of Law of Labour Contract, the size of labour dispatch in China exploded. 然而在劳动合同法实施的三年多时间里,我国劳动派遣的规模却反而以惊人的速度在增长。
In January 2008, Law of Labour Contract was issued, in which relevant regulations on labour dispatch were included, aiming at preventing the abuse of labour dispatch and standardizing the development of labour dispatch. 2008年1月,国家适时出台劳动合同法,把劳务派遣的相关规定写入法律,旨在防止劳动派遣被滥用和规范劳务派遣的发展。